zaterdag 5 juni 2010

Foundation day!

For our new kitchen we started today with a very important day!
F sad : It was a bad job!
No work for a lady..sadley we missed 1 guy so the lady today turnt in to the thirth guy. It was hot and we all broken now!
But the lady is lady again and I have to go now to the supermarket on my bike to do the shopping for this weekend. Wish me luck!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. We desperately need to do foundation work. Our house is more than a century old. It was added onto, added onto some more, then the summer kitchen and wrap-around porch was taken off and they did a poor job with the foundation under the additions. It's a hodgepodge mess!

    Anyhow, it's exciting that things are moving along for you. A new kitchen would be like a wonderful dream. :)

  2. haha 'Jetzt geht's los' Good luck bikkel :)

  3. awesome photos!

    xo Alison

  4. Ziet er uit als een ENORME klus. Wat moet jullie huisje straks mooi worden... NOG mooier!
