woensdag 19 mei 2010

Corner view: Collections

Love love love magazines. I can't resist them.I want it ..but when I pass by
they call at me: Can you see me..buy me, please buy me. And of course soft as heart I can't resist that poor question. So thats why I have a lot of poor lonely magazines. I love to dream and to read in it. Every time again and again..in the sun, in the garden. on the beach on bed, in my favourite chair, in the train (specially)and stations of course. I'm always in the mood for some magazines.

It;s a big world we have!

Wish you a dreaming day today!

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Jaa heerlijk! Helemaal niet aan gedacht terwijl ik gisteren tijdens het opruimen nog dacht, wat heb ik er toch veel! Deze plaatjes horen ook in een tijdschrift, maar misschien komt die dag nog wel :)

  2. real nice photos!
    they look like vintage magazine;)

  3. And all this time I thought they were calling ME:)!

  4. I know how you feel. I have more magazines than I'll ever read!

  5. ohh i love magazines too, specialy french magazines (home decor)... they makes me dream!

  6. I love magazines too. They are so difficult to resist. Internet browsing has helped to cull my interest a bit, but there are some that I insist that I must have and then I don't get rid of them either. My shelves just continue to swell.

  7. Hello ! I love Magazines too !!!! I make collage ! Thank you Merel !

  8. Oh, yes, I do understand you.
    But theres a quarrel going on with surfing the beautiful net-world.
    Some magazine are waiting for their time and it seems to not happen.
    Happy reading!
