woensdag 30 juni 2010

Corner View: Summer

What I love about summer:
I love to watch planes go by and I dreamed of who is in that plane and where is the plane going to. I'll do this since I was a child.

I love to read outside and have all the time of the world. I love how the wind is playing with my pages.

I love the sunshine trough leafs and how the sun trough that leafs is playing with shadows on me and everything around me.

I love to stare in the space and dreaming of all kind of things. With the sun on my skin of course!

I love the summer sky with the summer clouds..they have something very special dont you think?

This morning I feld myself a little bit sad. I'm most of the time still to tired to live the summer life and I sleep a lot. Just as it is right now. But the weather is so beautiful ...grr. I wish I can go on my bike..but I cant and I have to accept that. Luckly I have a great place to stay. I cant complane... I will have a very slowly start of my summer...Its oke. I will live with it. But when I be better ooooooo boy ...Till then: Let the summer party begin and hold on till I be there! Have a nice nice summer!

zaterdag 26 juni 2010

Raw Herring Party

We missed our invitation for a herring party! We had something else to do. But today we eat the first New Catch Herring. It´s something special for Holland. We eat the fisch raw with raw onions. We hold the fish on his tale and take a bite ... Many foreigners shiver from our habit. But not only they... I like the taste of the fish very much but the idea of eating raw fish is mostly stronger than my desire to taste. So I start very brave but on the half I stop eating because I can not longer resist the feeling that I doing something dirty. And I'm also eating very righteous the fish with fork and knife because when I have to hold that fish on his tale I can not eat one bite a think.
What my F. totaly respected because the rest is for him.

We eat the whole year raw herring but the new season started this year 07-03 and many people where looking forward to that season. The fish are on they best than. Its the New Catch ...
So you see something real dutch here.
The cap I wear is also realy dutch. Its a cap of 1920 and the maids at that time where these caps when they cleaning the house...dont you love they? I love old dutch habits and clothes and houses and everything indeed. I love Holland...I think! I know for sure.

woensdag 23 juni 2010

Corner View: Notice

I notice today that even our house is a mass trough the rebuilding..and even I'm still not better. I AM THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!
With a husband how loves me very much..with a dreamhouse and a dreamgarden and view.
I notice today that I have to count my blessings!

Ps. Have you seen me plums!!? Are they not huge....
Hope you notice also beautiful things today! Have a wonderful day.

zondag 20 juni 2010


When F. made for me the best lasagne of the whole world..
I put on my new shoes in bed. I just want to see them on my feet. They make me happy..also the lasagne. Thanks dear for your wonderful cooking! Thanks shoes for make me smile.

zondag 13 juni 2010

I´m off

I´m ready for my hospitalization. I have bought slipper, night-shirt, a little present for myself (I will open this when I'm awake from the drug) and have a lot of books en films from the libary borrowed. I have no idea how long I have to stay. Its depending from different things.
How fast will the wound get healt and that kind of things.
So I dont know when I be back..

In the mean time wishing you a very good week and see you later.

zaterdag 12 juni 2010


F. is working hard. I´m dreaming of next week. Monday I get a surgery (my gall bladder will be removed) now I have to prepare myself to take some rest so that my body is in good condition monday morning. So I held F. company today and dream of nice recipes I will make when I will be better...
What a party will...
I think I'm gonna make at first: Boeuf bourguignon

Bon appetit!

donderdag 10 juni 2010

Corner View : Bliss

I've been by Anna this two day's and we had a "bliss" day! We cooked, danced, and laught. I bought a "pearl" necklace just like Julia Child! We cooked the stars from heaven and had a inspiration day..Is there anything better than making good food with good friend?
Hope you had a Bliss day!

zaterdag 5 juni 2010

Foundation day!

For our new kitchen we started today with a very important step...foundation day!
F sad : It was a bad job!
No work for a lady..sadley we missed 1 guy so the lady today turnt in to the thirth guy. It was hot and we all broken now!
But the lady is lady again and I have to go now to the supermarket on my bike to do the shopping for this weekend. Wish me luck!

dinsdag 1 juni 2010

Corner view: From where I'm sitting

Again I will tell you something about Romania.I had already thought about sharing this pictures but now I think I can do this because the theme.

Its not really where I'm sitting now but where I have sitting in my second home country. I have told you about it.
During to prepare the journey I collect mony for the people there. Many people had given this last journey so I did many different things with it. I worked there with a friend who is pastor in Iasi (the North of Romania)he knows a lot of people who needs help.( but I think almost everybody needs help there)
So in december last year we bought a lot of food in Romania and make foodpackages.
On a day we go to a village very early in the morning and stay there the hole day till late in the evening by differents familys to listen to them to comfort them and to give all the family's the foodpackages and the childeren some toys.I have to tell you it was the best christmas I ever had! And if I may choose I just want to do nothing else than go to these people and doing good to them who needs that so much.
This people are spat through every body and the world is not looking at them because the rich countrys have nothing to profit there.
But I;m glad I can do something and luckely many people with me...Every smile you can make on somebody's face is just a little bit from heaven you give.They never can take that smile away!