zondag 28 februari 2010

I´m dreaming of ...

This day we started to order our building permit for the kitchen. This summer we want to build a bigger kitchen. It is something that I want for so long that I can not believe it is really gonna happening this summer. First I want to see it than I can believe it. Just like Thomas. But this evening we talk en prepare some paper works for the building permit and I let go my thoughts and make this ugly `paint` drawing. What will it be great when this is for real. We know what we want...thats not the problem. Our problem is always the money and all that terrible building permit circumstances...Its not so easy to build in Holland...many rules makes it very difficult. But we live for 6 years now in a house that is very small and very old. Our house needs a big refurbishmunt...I´m glad with our house but when we have 2 friends on a visit we cant sit al. So time for a bigger kitchen...than we can set 2 chairs more in our living ( because our dinertable is moving to the kitchen than)and we can sit with 4 people ...yeah!! What a little party...when it is ready I want to try that we have ones in the week some friends to diner and play games. Ohhh I wish and pray it could be happend...

zaterdag 27 februari 2010

I can´t wait!!!

I´m looking forward but I have to wait still to december...

donderdag 25 februari 2010


There is a little difference between times. The second picture did I made for a serial about the 19 century. The first is my lunch this day. I love both.

Sometimes I wish I could live like the old times, but when I eat something like my lunch...I´m glad that I live now!

woensdag 24 februari 2010

Chicken stew

Today I've made the dicision that I want to cook something very nice..three houres and some books and magazines later I knew what I had to make: Chicken stew! I go on my bicycle and do the shopping things..

Now a couple houres later the chicken stew is almost ready to eat! I cant wait ...

If you also want to made my one chicken stew.... You need:
Chicken meat
Chili peppers
Chicken broth And some patience. After 3,4 houres you have a wonderful stew! We gonna eat this with potatoes baked in the oven. Hope you have also a lovely diner this evening!

dinsdag 23 februari 2010

7 times me.

Anna give me a kreative blog award. The rules are:
Reveal 7 things about yourself and pass it on to 7 other creative bloggers.

So here it comes :

1 My true name is not Merel but when I think how I feel myself and want to feel myself than Merel shoot be my name. Merel means in Dutch blackbird. I love to feel free as a bird. Simply but suprising. (Sadly Not my singing) So my husband with who I've been married for almost 10 jears knows me as Cora.

2 I love to spoil myself sometimes with shopping, nice diner , movie and to do just the girls things alone when my husband is working. Specially when he is working in the evening.

3 I love cooking and eating. Sometimes alone ...but I like it when our house is full with friends.I'm looking forward to this summer when we gonna build a bigger kitchen. Than we can have more friends for more dinners!!!

4 When I have to take care for people ..I'm on my best.

5 I started to like more and more all kinds of shoes!

6 I like Romania and the people from Romania. It feels like home when I'm there. When I go I go to help the people with all kinds of things. And that makes me verry happy.

7 I have the greatest daddy of the world!

I think this are my 7 points. If you know more..please tell me!
I have to go now to prepare my diner for tonight..!

Have a nice evening!

zondag 21 februari 2010

Secret agent

Yesterday I was a secret agent. In the afternoon I bought a great game that I want for a long time. The lady in the store ask me: Is it a present? First I say no than I say yes because I want to feel the feeling of a present. So the lady in the store make a package for me and I open up at home my package and F. and I eat little pancakes. It was a little party.

In the evening our neighbours en friends came to diner and to play a game. I had made a jamie Oliver recipe and than we going to play. We had to be a murder dissolve. Of course F. won! It was a lovely evening. This evening will also friends come to diner. I love it when our house is full of people!

Hope you have a great weekend to!

donderdag 18 februari 2010

Inspiration flow

Tomorrow will be a great day.
Anna is here and tommorow a friend will join us. We gonna play with paint, colour marker, paper and everthing we can find. We just want to play for one day, without obligations and feelings that we have to make something serious. So I got some magazines en art books out of my studio and we prepare ourselves this evening for a wonderful day.

I have made this collage a couple weeks ago and I still love it. Maybe I want to make something like this tomorrow but than very big! Or maybe I'm gonna paint, or maybe....
My head is full of inspiration flow.

Have a nice and inspiration evening.

dinsdag 16 februari 2010

He little bird...

For no reason he was there...my little bird. I saw him and than ...I made him and now he is lie on our sofa.

He little bird I hope you have a great time with me.

Love to play with pens and paint.

maandag 15 februari 2010

Lucky me

O lucky me! I bought this shoes in 2009 they not fits good than. Now I found them back and the fit good now! Lucky me! The pictures with the lovely patterns are made from a book I´ve bought also in 2009. It´s a book with wrapping paper. The paper has patterns from the late eighteenth century. Love that book! Love my shoes! I think they fit nice together. It's nice to found a little treasure on the beginning of the week!
Have a nice week !

zondag 14 februari 2010

Old times

The laptop is broken and needs to go to the laptop doctor, but I'm totally addicted to internet so there was no choice then to go back on my knees and ask to my very old computer of he wants to help me. Well he wants..and when the computer put on, he shows me some great old pictures. It was a little party to see all that pictures.

Today i'm longing to the summer and when I see this picture o I cant wait anymore.
But I have. In the summer is it tradition for us to make real hungary goulash soup. Most of the time together with friends and we make than a long summer night in our backyard with a little fire to keep us warm. We make the soup on the traditional way. Some friends from Romania and Hungary learn us how to make. So ones in 3 weeks we eat this lovely soup and I looking forward to make this again. We love Romania and Hungary. When we eat this we feel ourselves realy at home. A little bit of that lovely culture in Holland. So thats why I want so share this picture with you than it seems that we have made Goulash soup this evening. And I fell good this night!

Summer you will come!

zaterdag 13 februari 2010

The ´20s

What is the magic of this years....is it magic because you see something thats never coming back? When I see this o I love it. I imagine myself in that wonderful outfit and I see my life like the pictures. Its a same that it never come back but maybe I can be glad for that. Now I have magic to watch.

Have a great weekend

vrijdag 12 februari 2010

donderdag 11 februari 2010

My Stockholm

O my what was Stockholm great. To much to share but it was truly great! I've enjoy every moment of this small trip. We have only saw 4 streets but that was the fault of Stockholm itself. The city was to great to see more in less time. So now I have to go back. Its a shame...
I'm looking forward.

zaterdag 6 februari 2010

donderdag 4 februari 2010

woensdag 3 februari 2010

New day,new plan

Yes I was today in the vintage shop, no I was not on my bicycle. Yesterday was a lauzy day and in the evening round 10 o´clock I can´t standing anymore to be lauzy. So I took my runningshoes and I go for some sports outside in the field. So today my legs hurts so I just go to the busstation on my bike and took the bus to the shop.
I found today a coat, a dress, a great great shawl and some accessories. It was a day with mix emotions. I had this day bad feelings about myself...girls you now what I mean. So it was a little bit difficult to be happy with my stuff. But now I´m happy with it..I think.
Sleep well!
Tomorrow new day, new feelings I hope!

dinsdag 2 februari 2010

Stay inwardly

Today it was storm and rain! I love this weather! Because inside is it warm en nice! We where free today and we stay the hole day in. We even orderd some food so it was a really lazy day today. But ...tomorrow I'm gonna face the weather because I'm going to the biggest vintage clothes shop in the area. I'm going on my bicycle trough the storm and the rain. Looking forward. Maybe I think totally different about it when I'm sitting on my bike tomorrow for 1 our. But now I love to think about it, and I go for a nice dress. Hope you had a nice day!

maandag 1 februari 2010

My little book

I have made a decision to travel one time in the month to a city that I have never seen before.

In that city I will search for special words that they only say in that city.

That kind of words I will go write down in my little book I have made tonight.

The girl on the wooden clogs be going to adventure!

I can´t waith till 8 febr. I will go to stockholm looking for the first words.